Thursday, September 3, 2009

Engine Updates, DirectX 9, and Mods

So, after doing a lot of research for several days, I have had to redesign several key aspects of the bindings I use for the ILEngine for DirectX 9. Much of this comes from memory and content management, done through DirectX 9, due to the inherit connection between content information (textures, etc) and device context, which is horribly efficient for speed and drawing, but a pain for keeping references tidy when allowing switches between fullscreen, windowed, and resizing. Hence, some work on the engine has come to a crawl until I find a creative way around this. So, until then, I may just stick to creating the application framework for DirectX 9, allow for full modification of the window, and then worry about the rest later.

So, as for the mod, I have been swaying back and forther whether to continue using Neverwinter Nights 2 and its toolset, or to use Neverwinter Nights and its toolset. This is mainly because, for Neverwinter Nights 2, there is not a lot of community content and tools available while for Neverwinter Nights, there is a huge amount of custom content and tools available for creating your own mods. Still trying to weigh this decision more thoroughly on the scripting applications as well.

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About Me

Software engineer, game developer, writer, and student. My work revolves around games, algorithms, real-time development, and creative works.